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Wykład dla doktorantów – Turning Intellectual Property into a Profitable Business – a guide to success”

maj 20, 2015 | AKTUALNOŚCI, Szkolenia

Steve Nesbitt has had a long career in industry and businessmanagement since graduating from University in the mid 1970’s. Steve has started 3 companies to date – a software house, venture capital business and a company, started as a concept on a single sheet of paper, that provided specialist parts for heavy trucks which ended up with Global sales and manufacturing in Poland, China and the USA. Steve has also been Chief Executive or Managing Director within industry 7 times ranging from businesses providing services for gas turbine maintenance to building the Eurostar train – the latter being the largest organization with over 6,000 employees. He has also been directly involved in more than30 spin out businesses from Universities across the UK and firmly believes the future high value companies are currently ideas within Universities around the world.

Steve has always maintained it is the role of the Business Leader to create the right environment for everyone else to succeed and to be prepared to plan for the long term. He has created Customer Facing Strategies in all his businesses with an emphasis on understanding the Customers customer.

Steve came to live in Poland full time 2 years ago to retire and complete the writing of an unfinished book but says people keep finding him jobs to do!


Całość w języku angielskim



“Turning Intellectual Property into a Profitable Business – a guide to success”


Data: 1 czerwca 2015 r.

Miejsce wykładu: Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny, Budynek AGN, sala 104, ul. Al. Zwycięstwa 41/42

Godziny: Wykład 10.00 Konsultacje 11.00 – 17.00


Zgłoszenia na wykład i konsultacje prosimy przesyłać na adres z podaniem godziny odbycia konsultacji.


Wykłady i konsultacje organizowane są w ramach projektu „INNOpomorze – Innowacyjne Powiązania, IV edycja” którego Liderem jest Samorząd Województwa Pomorskiego, a Partnerami InnoBaltica Sp. z o.o. oraz Stowarzyszenie „Pomorskie w Unii Europejskiej”.

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